About TeleportNovela

Der Deutschkurs in Second Life wird von Heike Philp geleitet. Sie unterrichtete erst 1,5 Jahre lang im Berlin der 20er Jahre in Second Life und seit kurzem in München in SL.

Heike Philp aka Gwen Gwasi is CEO of let’s talk online (founded 2003), technology support for language learning and events in real-time via the internet. Previously she held the position as general manager of LANCELOT School GmbH i.L., an accredited teacher training center for language teaching in real-time via the internet by means of virtual classroom technology and virtual worlds. With over 20 years in education and with Germany’s first live online language school, Philp co-initiated two European funded projects and worked with 35 European partners including 17 universities to develop accredited and certified teacher training courses.  These EU Projects are LANCELOT (LANguage learning with CErtified Live Online Teachers) and AVALON (Access to Virtual and Action Learning live Online. Philp runs her own online conference, the Virtual Round Table conference and is co-organizer of the SLanguages conference in Second Life. She co-owns EduNation islands in Second Life and her blog let’s talk online is a rich resource for language educators with hundreds of events recordings. Currently she lives in Brussels and amongst others conducts webinars for the British Council.

Contact details
Skype ID: letstalkonline
Twitter: @heikephilp
LinkedIn http://de.linkedin.com/in/heikephilp
Facebook http://www.facebook.com/heike.philp
XING http://www.xing.com/profile/Heike_Philp
Email heike.philp[at]letstalkonline.com

http://www.letstalkonline.com (main website/ blog, founded 2003)
http://www.conference-streaming.com (Service of Learning Agency Network in Brussels)
http://www.avalonlearning.eu (co-initiator EU funded AVALON project)
http://www.lancelot.at (co-initiator EU funded LANCELOT project)
http://www.lancelotters.net (community LANCELOTTERs.net)
http://www.virtual-round-table.com (organiser Virtual Round Table Conference)
http://www.slanguages.net (co-organiser SLanguages Conference)
http://edunation-islands.wikispaces.com (co-owner Second Life Island)
http://www.telecoaching.org (board member European Telecoaching Institut)